For two years now, we’ve been treated to Pastor Jon’s
excellent preaching. He has delivered inspiring and powerful sermons touching
on both law and gospel, those two most basic aspects of Lutheran biblical
interpretation. His sermons on gospel tell us of a God who loves
unconditionally, who redeems, uplifts, inspires and blesses. His sermons on law
tell us of a God who exhorts us to love our enemies, to feed the hungry, clothe
the naked, heal the sick, visit the imprisoned, and stand up for the oppressed.
In short, to reach out in love and service to the Other.
We hear these messages and we nod our heads. We are
comforted and challenged. We are called and inspired.
Twice in the past two years, Pr. Jon has gone a step further.
He has named the Other. A year ago,
he named the Other as the African American community, which is suffering under
intense and painful institutionalized discrimination. More recently, he named
the Other as Muslims, whose
civil rights are being violated by our government.
Naming the Other changes things. As Pr. Jon named the Other,
and named the injustice, we reacted at a much deeper level. Some of us said to
ourselves, “Yes! THIS is the Christian message. THIS is what it means to follow
Jesus!” We left affirmed and inspired. Others of us said to ourselves, “This is
politics and it doesn’t belong in the pulpit.” We left disappointed and angry.
People of Calvary, this could be a serious problem. Or it could
be an amazing opportunity.
It is a serious problem if we refuse to engage in dialog
with one another about these things. It is a serious problem if we keep to
ourselves our disagreements with one another, if we dig in to our own ideas and
opinions convinced that we are right and others are wrong. It is a serious
problem if we have conversations behind closed doors rather than open dialog
within our loving and embracing Calvary family.
It is an amazing opportunity if we can come together and
wrestle with these very real issues. I think that we can at least agree that our
communities and our nation are experiencing an unprecedented level of
divisiveness, anxiety and anger. We have been worshipping and sharing in
community with one another for years, and even decades. We have practiced
Christian hospitality with one another, and we have loved unconditionally. What
better environment in which to come together and grapple with difficult issues
that directly impact our lives and
our call as Christians?
I will tell you now that whichever direction we choose, it
is not going to be comfortable. We face either being frustrated with one
another in secret, or being honest with one another in what might be painful
ways. If we do choose the way of dialog, we will need—absolutely NEED—to set aside our insistence that we are right (this
will be especially difficult for me!) We will need to be prayerful, loving,
forgiving, and open-minded.
It is probably obvious which option I favor. We cannot
simply use Calvary as some sort of ivory tower in which to take refuge until
the current turmoil blows over. I do not believe that is what it means to
follow Jesus. I believe to the very core
of my being that if we remain silent in the face of injustice, we condone that
injustice. If we fail to take action to stand up for the oppressed, we are
complicit with the oppressor. So I, for one, cannot remain silent. It is my
deepest hope that you will join me in prayerful and loving conversation in
which we are unafraid to name the Other.
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